Monitor, detect, and react to potential threats with world-class blue team operations.
Blue Team Assessment
Identify the flaws in your structure, reinforce your security posture against mock attackers, and establish plans to respond to threats quickly and effectively.
Get your independent technical review of your network security posture by identifying security threats and risks in the operating environment in cooperation with the customer. Nordic Defender’s Blue Team members analyze all the IT assets, such as servers, networks, cloud services, and any other devices so that the SOC can focus on managing, monitoring, analyzing, preventing, responding to any threats, and ensuring that your business is protected from attacks.
Refine Your Incident Response Plan
Unleash the true power of Nordic Defender’s blue team assessment to develop and refine a structured incident response plan suited to the specifications and details of your organization and security architecture.
Develop Business-Centric Detection Rules
Figure out a thorough pattern for all the logs in your systems and write precise detection rules based on your exclusive business logic to stop attackers before your business is sabotaged.
Develop a Comprehensive Threat Profile
Don’t let attackers exploit your security flaws, breach your data, and harm your organization excessively. Prevent being attacked in the first place by utilizing blue team assessment to create a thorough threat profile.
Chase APTs Preemptively
Access the power of Nordic Defender's blue team and figure out the threats already residing in your network. Get rid of advanced persistent threats (APTs) once and for all.
Safeguard Your Operating System
Empower your organization with Nordic Defender's blue team assessment and think like attackers. Identify and plug your cybersecurity holes to minimize your network's surface vulnerabilities.