SolarWinds Critical ARM CVE-2024-28991 Fixed An Urgent Reminder for Patch Management - Poster

SolarWinds Critical ARM CVE-2024-28991 Fixed: An Urgent Reminder for Patch Management

On September 2024, SolarWinds disclosed and patched two significant vulnerabilities in their Access Rights Manager (ARM) software. The first, CVE-2024-28991, is a critical Remote Code Execution (RCE) flaw rated 9.0 on the CVSS scale. If exploited, this could allow attackers to execute arbitrary code, potentially leading to full system compromise. The second, CVE-2024-28990, involves hardcoded credentials, a medium-risk issue but still a security gap that could allow unauthorized access.

For cybersecurity professionals, this highlights a crucial reality: the increasing complexity and interconnectedness of systems like ARM mean that vulnerabilities in such tools can have wide-reaching consequences. ARM is used to monitor and control user access across IT environments, meaning a successful exploit could bypass critical layers of security, leading to unauthorized access, data breaches, and compliance violations.

Key Takeaways for Cybersecurity Experts

1. Prioritize Patch Management: The vulnerabilities in SolarWinds’ ARM tool underscore the importance of timely updates. A staggering number of successful cyberattacks exploit known vulnerabilities for which patches have already been released but remain unapplied in affected environments. Patch management must be a key pillar of any robust cybersecurity strategy.

2. Address Remote Code Execution (RCE) Threats: RCE vulnerabilities are especially dangerous because they enable attackers to execute malicious code remotely, gaining unauthorized access to sensitive systems. Once inside, attackers can escalate their privileges, move laterally across networks, and compromise other systems, often remaining undetected for long periods.

3. Hardcoded Credentials – Still a Risk: While not as critical as RCE, the hardcoded credentials issue (CVE-2024-28990) is also a major concern. Hardcoded passwords within applications or software can act as a backdoor, allowing attackers to gain control of user accounts. This is especially problematic in enterprise environments, where one compromised account can lead to large-scale breaches.

The Role of Proactive Cybersecurity in Preventing Attacks

At Nordic Defender, we emphasize that keeping security infrastructure up to date is fundamental but only part of the solution. Cybersecurity threats are constantly evolving, and the time between vulnerability disclosures and actual exploitation is shrinking. Proactive threat intelligence, continuous monitoring, and regular vulnerability assessments are critical to staying ahead of cybercriminals.

Even with robust patch management practices, the ever-changing landscape of cybersecurity threats requires businesses to be vigilant about other defenses. Intrusion detection systems (IDS), network segmentation, multi-factor authentication (MFA), and continuous security education are key components of a layered security strategy.

What SolarWinds Users Should Do Next

  • Immediate Update: Any organization using ARM should update to version 2024.3.1 to protect against the vulnerabilities.
  • Conduct Vulnerability Scanning: In addition to applying patches, conduct an in-depth scan to ensure no lingering weaknesses exist in your IT environment. Vulnerabilities can often reside in areas overlooked by routine scans, including shadow IT systems and unmonitored endpoints.
  • Strengthen Password Policies: If your organization has used hardcoded credentials as a workaround, now is the time to review and enforce stronger password management practices.
  • Implement an Incident Response Plan: The discovery of vulnerabilities like this serves as a reminder of the need for a robust incident response plan. If a breach does occur, your organization must be ready to contain, mitigate, and recover quickly.


Vulnerabilities like these serve as a stark reminder of how critical it is to adopt a proactive and comprehensive approach to cybersecurity. While SolarWinds’ rapid response is commendable, it’s up to organizations to ensure they’re not just reactive but ahead of potential threats. From regular patch management to advanced threat intelligence and incident response planning, cybersecurity requires ongoing attention.

At Nordic Defender, we help businesses navigate these challenges, ensuring they stay secure in an increasingly digital world. Our team provides end-to-end protection, from real-time threat detection to tailored incident response services. Stay informed, stay updated, and stay protected.

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