As enterprises continue to develop and grow, they may face increased security risks since cybercriminals try to design new techniques to target BYOD devices, organisational systems, backend servers, and databases. Here Enterprise Security Management (ESM) comes to the forefront as a powerful practice to mitigate cyber security risks and concerns.
Nowadays, enterprises and large organisations need to devote more attention to the ESM approach that helps them establish a sustainable security strategy and stabilise critical infrastructures in organisations.
- ESM is a holistic practice to integrate cutting-edge security technologies and tools into your company’s daily processes and routines.
Read this article if you want to find out more about enterprise security management. We will give answers to the following questions:
- What is enterprise cyber security?
- What is the difference between cyber security and enterprise security?
- What is the highest level of cyber security?
- What are the different components of enterprise security management?
- What are the best practices of enterprise security management?
- What is the best enterprise security management structure?
- How can MSSPs help deploy good enterprise security?
- Why must enterprises invest in their enterprise security management strategy?
What is Enterprise Security?
Enterprise security is a broader concept compared to routine security strategies since it involves various technologies, techniques, and processes to make up a seamless security framework for an organisation or enterprise company. Undoubtedly, there is a wide range of cyber threats against digital assets, including unauthorised access, data misuse, or data breaches. So, enterprise security must work on designing a comprehensive plan which aims at controlling all of these threats with reliable approaches.
One of the crucial roles of every enterprise security plan is the ability to take legal structures and regulatory laws into consideration to make the path clear for growth and development. If not, an enterprise company couldn’t expand and enter new markets, especially when it comes to entering international markets.
- Enterprise security focuses on defending organisations from bad actors. Note that these bad actors may be external hackers or internal employees that perform malicious activities deliberately or unintentionally. All things considered, enterprise security is the method of protecting an organisation’s data, IT systems, and information assets and preventing data breaches and exploits.
The ESM methodology is focused on the following to creatively bring convenience into your organisation:
- Data centre security
- Network security
- Web server operations security
- Risk management
- Threat detection, protection, and response
What is the Difference Between Cyber Security and Enterprise Security?
Cybersecurity and enterprise security are often used interchangeably, but they represent 2 different things. Cyber security is the practice of protecting systems and networks from malicious attacks that target electronic data in a company or even a personal computer.
Cyber threats that fall in this category can be in one of the following forms:
- Phishing attacks
- Ransomware
- Password-based attacks, Etc.
It requires great attention to differentiate between cybersecurity and enterprise security since enterprise security management demonstrates a broader concept. Enterprise security management focuses on protecting data in all forms and is composed of various strategies and techniques to reduce the risks of cyberattacks for organisations and enterprise-level companies. Enterprise security management needs policies and plans, and a professional team should work to align all organisational workflows with predefined goals and cybersecurity regulations.
Why is Enterprise Security Management Important?
Enterprise security management is increasingly important since organisations will likely be impacted by cybercrimes and cyber threats. If there is no update in your enterprise security management, you cannot guarantee your systems and devices are protected against new techniques hackers use. Today, the most important services of large companies are delivered over online platforms, and customers like to get these services online for more comfort.
- As a consequence, enterprise security management is considered a matter of priority to offer the best and trusty services to clients. Enterprise security management is so important because a small cyber attack can cost a business millions of dollars, resulting in huge brand and reputation damage.
Most organisations believe in cyber security, and they know there is a need to protect sensitive data from attackers and cybercriminals. But, the way they plan a cyber security strategy and implement it can be a challenging issue as many companies don’t have a well-defined method to reach their goals. Enterprise security management has an all-inclusive solution to control security threats from both outside attackers and insider threats.
Here is why a good enterprise security management strategy is fundamentally important for an enterprise company. It:
- Protects your sensitive data
- Prevents data loss
- Provides a good level of reputation for your brand
- Brings convenience into your company
- Ensures that your company complies with regulations
- Offers organisation-wide protection
- Reduces the risks of remote work
- Keeps penalties and fines away
- Builds trust with customers and other stakeholders
Read More About ESM Suite Components
In our interconnected world, cyber security has become a wise investment, and it’s one of the fast-growing industries in the world we live in. Every cyber security approach has its particular components consisting of the required infrastructure, technologies, techniques, devices, and planning.
Defining a seamless framework that includes all the required components determines the probability of getting to success. An enterprise security management system is not only collecting components, but it is all about bringing the necessary tools that work hassle-free and uninterruptedly.
The primary components of an ESM suite include the following list, but we will provide you with even more customised components if needed.
- Contact our experienced cyber security professionals that give you complete recommendations about which ESM strategy serves your organisation’s needs.
User Administration
User administration and access control become a priority when an organisation is in need of responsible enterprise security management. Adding new users, assigning them to roles, and giving them customised accesses are 3 arguable considerations to take into account when creating a powerful enterprise security management strategy.
We combine our experience and expertise to make user administration requirements become real and provide a native security-based platform.
The following list demonstrates the noteworthy points in the case of user administration for creating an enterprise security management strategy:
- Adding new users
- Assigning the users to roles
- Assigning those roles specific capabilities
- Controlling accesses
- Monitoring events and managing credentials
Single Sign-On SSO
Single sign-on (SSO) is an authentication methodology that works to allow users to log in to several independent software systems with a single ID. It gives authorised users an opportunity to access multiple applications and can be used by enterprises and large organisations to ease the process of managing multiple credentials.
Single sign-on (SSO) is an inherent capability of the enterprise security management approach which is closely related to the authentication process of a federated identity system. Remember that a federated identity system in information technology assists IT professionals in linking a person’s electronic identity and attributes by implementing 4 essential steps as below:
- Authentication
- Authorisation
- User attributes exchange
- User management
SSO is an essential part of many identity and access management solutions, and it is included in access management and control strategies. It gives us stronger passwords and ensures there are no repeated passwords. We can also gain more benefits from this method:
- Better password policy management
- Multi-factor authentication
- Less time wasted on password recovery
- Better user experience
- Better compliance with regulatory rules
- Reduced IT helpdesk costs
Reporting Capabilities
Reporting is a crucial part of every cybersecurity strategy, and it provides a transparent environment for development and growth. Comprehensive reporting helps cyber security teams understand potential risks and create practical solutions for them at the right time. Reaching a satisfactory level of enterprise security requires a reliable reporting plan since it is needed to outline risk factors and measure how our risk management strategy works in an organisation.
CISOs must attach great importance to reporting features of every ESM suite they implement in a company and consider the following facts about security reporting:
- Clearly identifying areas that are at high risk of cyberattacks
- Describing which parts are in need of improvement
- Demonstrating trusty analysis that helps us understand the impacts
Conventional cyber security reporting may be time-consuming and challenging for cyber security managers to provide inclusive reports. But today, we have innovative approaches that help us provide data-driven insights using real-time data monitoring tools. Leveraging these tools, security leaders can produce more precise cyber security reports and effectively measure and manage their plans and send necessary reports to board members or other stakeholders.
A good reporting system for ESM strategies helps organisations with the following:
- Increased communication
- Improved productivity, accuracy, and time efficiency
- Better decision-making
- Reduced risks of potential problems
- More time available to focus on more important tasks and processes
Vulnerability Assessment
A vulnerability assessment is a structured review of security weaknesses and defects in a network and IT system. It brings a wide variety of advantages and robust practices to evaluate if there is a susceptible problem that needs any urgent action. A systematic vulnerability assessment strategy completely assigns severity levels to all vulnerabilities and tells us which one requires instant responses.
On the whole, we consider several types of vulnerability assessments in ESM suites that cover different parts of digital systems and devices:
- Host servers assessment
- Network and wireless assessment
- Database assessment
- Application scan
Upon scanning all the necessary devices and network tools, cyber security teams and other stakeholders will be informed about all critical points that need instant action. Note that vulnerability assessment should provide clear and trustworthy information on all potential threats, allowing risk managers to prioritise the required fixes and necessary steps.
Enterprise security management suite comes with a proven vulnerability assessment strategy by employing a 4-step process:
- Vulnerability identification
- Analysis
- Risk assessment
- Remediation

Alert Management
Unnecessary alerts can cause issues for cyber security teams, and they must be managed and controlled through an intelligent practice. Alert management is an intrinsic entity of the enterprise security management approach that helps organisations feel like everything is OK and there are no missing cyber threats.
Unfortunately, security analysts have to deal with a large number of alerts, and this can generate many issues if there are false alerts. Our enterprise security management strategy adds an alert management system focusing on creating the utmost efficiency and productivity.
In general, there are some challenges to alert management that must be considered when we want to build our enterprise security management strategy.
- Alert fatigue: Alert fatigue, also known as alarm fatigue, is a condition that an overwhelming number of alerts come toward an individual or cyber security team. It can be somehow confusing as a SOC may receive thousands of alerts daily, causing stress and efficiency drop in time.
- False positives: False positives occur when an alert indicator wrongly detects a specific activity. They have mislabeled security alerts, accounting for around 40% of the security alarms every cyber security team receives. Accordingly, it is considered a high priority for enterprise security management to handle false positives and mitigate them by taking new technologies into account. Reducing the related risks depends on detection rule quality and log content management we use.
- Skillset limitations: This challenge has possible solutions, and CISOs or senior-level cyber security professionals can help security teams manage the situation. Senior members can help juniors by mentoring them and providing them with the necessary guidance on how they should deal with alerts and challenges.
Enterprise security management calls for a flawless alert management plan that consists of the following parts:
- Handling alerts in a risk-based model
- Building a productive detection content system
- Employing automation technologies to eliminate low-severity alerts
- Configuring notifications to be delivered to the right people at the right time
- Defining KPIs and metrics to ensure alert quality
Practical Ways to Implement Enterprise Security Risk Management
Enterprise security risk management is a strategic approach, and it requires an all-around view of overall security risks in your organisation. Nordic Defender Cyber Security Team offers a complete roadmap for enterprise security risk management to help organisations take advantage of this world-class approach for detecting, managing, and eliminating cyber threats.
Here is how our practical method works for Scandinavian enterprise companies:
Organisation-Wide View of Security Assets
Information security deals with the protection of organisational assets to entirely control cyber threats or mitigate the risks of cyberattacks. Getting help from an organisation-wide approach for protecting security assets has become an essential part of enterprise security management concepts in recent years.
When cyber security teams look at digital assets from a higher viewpoint, they can figure out which organisational assets are the most valuable and which one requires the most expenditure and effort.
Most enterprises spend a lot of money on securing their systems and network to protect their digital assets. But does their strategy focus on the risky and critical points?
As a rule, professional cyber security teams combine several techniques to have an organisation-wide security asset analysis. This is how it works and helps enterprise benefit from this approach:
- Determining valuable assets
- Implementing new technologies and tools to protect digital assets
- Reviewing and updating plans and practices regularly
Threat Modelling and Assessment and Risk Assessment
Threat modelling is a vital part of cyber security when it comes to integrating security into web services and organisational networks. Threat modelling works to identify and understand threats and risks that are related to the context of protecting value in an organisation. A threat model is considered a representation of all information about the scope of cyber security, and it is the first step in any cyber security solution.
Threat modelling consists of all information and data regarding the following:
- Description of the subject
- Potential threats
- Actions to be taken to hinder threats
- Ways that help us validate our success and check results
Threat assessment is an integral part of threat modelling, and it helps our enterprise security management strategy improve and flourish over time. Threat assessment aims at evaluating and verifying perceived threats, and it can tell us valuable information about the likelihood of potential threats.
Conducting an all-around threat assessment gives us an opportunity to:
- Identify and fix IT security issues
- Prevent harmful data breaches
- Choose appropriate strategies and define new controls to mitigate risks
- Prioritise those worthwhile assets that are at the highest risk
- Evaluate third parties and security partners
- Make sure there is a good level of regulatory compliance condition
- Know which features and tools are needed for the future
Nordic Defender’s enterprise security management strategy includes all these components and practices to provide you with all the requirements to understand the impacts of these cyber security threats in your organisation:
- Theft of sensitive information
- Hardware damage and data loss
- Malware and viruses
- Compromised credentials
- Company website failure
- Natural disasters and incidents that could affect hardware tools and systems

Developing Plans for Risk Mitigation
Nordic Defender’s enterprise security management is focused on mitigating cyber security risks that Scandinavian companies may encounter during their development and growth process. There are practical methods and policies that help us mitigate the overall risk or impact of cyber security threats. In fact, your cyber security team’s foremost task should be to develop a risk mitigation plan to ensure your organisation can deal with potential threats.
Risk mitigation consists of different parts, and it needs a thorough plan, including the following steps:
- Conducting a cyber security risk assessment
- Establishing network access controls
- Configuring firewalls and antivirus software tools
- Monitoring network traffic regularly
- Creating a patch management strategy
- Building an incident response plan
- Handling insider threats
- Monitoring and controlling third-party suppliers and clients
- Creating physical security of systems and devices
Investing in the right cyber security architecture is one of the most influential and resultful strategies to mitigate the risks of cyberattacks. We must ensure all the network elements, including computers, switches, routers, edge devices, and modems, are up to date and well protected against cyber threats. In addition, firewalls are a fundamental part of our risk mitigation plan as they are considered a protective gauge between your organisation and the outside world. Greater control and authority come when network firewalls are all configured at their best condition, providing a satisfactory level of incoming and outgoing traffic control.
Creating a Corporate Security Policy
IT security policies are key entities in the success story of any organisation. They are the backbone of all processes and plans that will be put in place in time, helping cyber security teams align strategies according to regulatory rules and comply with them. An enterprise security management strategy must include a corporate security policy to completely determine which set of standards is required to get to the desired level of security in an organisation.
Having a comprehensive security policy is beneficial for organisations since it helps improve an organisation’s overall security posture. Providing a corporate security policy is vital because it:
- Guides cyber security team to implement technical controls
- Underlines clear expectations
- Helps meet regulatory and compliance requirements
- Provides a transparent security statement to third-party partners
An information security policy should include some essential parts, but there may be more topics included according to the industry and organisation type:
- Access control
- Identification and authentication
- Data classification
- Remote access
- Backups
- Patching
- Encryption
- Physical security
- Change management
- Server security
Organisational security policies are a comprehensive document of entire security programs that will be put into practice in the future.
Pursuing Continuous Improvement
Should we emphasise continuous improvement in cyber security? Of course!
With the changing nature of information technology and the proliferation of threat actors and evolving techniques, we are under an obligation to provide a dynamic and ever-updating cybersecurity strategy to cover current and future needs. Getting success in the case of cyber security means continuous monitoring, managing, controlling, and improving.
Cybercriminals and hackers are getting smarter over time, and outdated cybersecurity techniques don’t make sense in such a situation. We need to take further steps and improve our enterprise security strategies to be able to deal with unexplored cyberattack methodologies.
Here are some of the benefits of including the continuous improvement strategy in our enterprise security management plan:
- Higher productivity
- Faster responses
- Lower error ratio
- Decreased costs
- Improved time efficiency
There are 3 essential points to consider regarding continuous improvement in cyber security as follows:
- Small changes can result in great results
- Constant improvement leads to long-term value
- Measuring improvements helps outline outcomes
Methods to Develop a Foolproof Security Policy
Enterprise security management comes to nothing without a foolproof security policy. Every security policy deals with 2 main concerns, including external threats and internal risks that may cause problems for any organisation. So, having full insight into those concerns can help us develop the best possible security policy.
A security policy is an ideal representation of current and future tasks and procedures, and it should be clearly written and observed by all stakeholders. A good enterprise security policy protects not only sensitive information and networks, but also employees and the organisation are protected through a well-structured security policy.
- Want to develop one of the best working security policies for your organisation? Nordic Defender’s team is ready to provide you with complete recommendations about this. Feel free to contact us through a phone call or by the contact form.
We define enterprise security policy in 8 different sections as below, including all the expectations and requirements to achieve the best results.
Network Access Policy
A network that runs on a reliable policy can produce positive outcomes, and cyber security teams can automate it and handle changes more easily. Note that enterprise security comes when there is a comprehensive network access policy that includes all tasks, such as adding devices and users and inserting new applications and services.
A network that follows well-defined guidelines is capable of helping us fulfil future objectives by governing the following:
- Users
- Devices
- Applications
- Data types
Effective network access control restricts and monitors access to only devices with authorised permissions, meaning unauthorised people are kept out of a private network. Network access control, or NAC, is one of the essential tools that controls network access by providing a good level of protection, ensuring applications, networks, and systems are completely safe.
Password Usage Policy
A password policy defines all the necessary rules and considerations about creating and using passwords in a specific system or network. Enterprise security management should have a thorough policy with a good password policy defined by the best and proven standards.
We can specify many standards and rules for managing passwords. All in all, there is defined rules for the following tasks:
- Creating new passwords
- Changing passwords
- Deleting passwords
A password policy in an enterprise security management strategy can provide the following benefits:
- Preventing data breaches
- Controlling network accesses
- Blocking cybercriminals from entering systems
- Building trust
Network Usage Policy
It’s crucial for any business or governmental organisation to have an internet usage policy in place that defines guidelines for employees or outside users of the organisation. Network usage policy should be tailored according to a company’s needs.
Employees in an organisation or users who have authorised access to the network can make use of a company’s internet connection to:
- Carry out job duties
- Search for related information on the internet
- Share authorised data or information with coworkers or on their social media accounts
Such policy should address issues related to internet usage in an organisation, and it can be one of the most effective tools to prevent cyber security threats and network misuse. Remember the following facts about network usage in your organisation which are considered inappropriate employee internet usage:
- Downloading or uploading illegal content
- Sending or sharing organisational data
- Invading the privacy of other people
- Visiting dangerous websites or helping them intentionally or unintentionally
Educating employees can help prevent such issues in a company, and we advise our clients to organise regular events throughout the year to completely teach employees about network usage policies and rules.
It is a proven fact that an internet usage policy can significantly decrease the probability of data breaches in medium and large organisations. The internet is a very useful tool, but it can be a very dangerous utility leading to massive security breaches. So, a network and internet usage policy is an inseparable part of every enterprise security management strategy and is considered a mandatory document that all employees must comply with to be able to use the network connection in a company.
Critical Resources Policy
As your organisation continues to grow, there may be different resources and digital assets that are supposed to be critical in terms of cyber security. For instance, the following assets are categorised as critical resources and must be taken into account when developing an enterprise security management policy:
- Customer data
- Financial information
- Proprietary processes and products
- Physical resources and items
Any resources, processes, products, and systems in a company can be an asset that has some value or produces some value in time. As a result, it should be protected against security threats through proven practices. When writing an enterprise-level policy document, Nordic Defender evaluates all these assets, ensuring they are classified and documented in an asset inventory. Therefore, the cyber security team is able to check which assets and resources are priorities and must be strictly controlled against cyber threats and cyberattacks.
There is a trustworthy method to follow that helps us identify critical assets and resources in a company and classify them from high-level to low-level.
- The level of risks related to that resource
- The impacts of any cyberattack
- The cost of a cyberattack on the resource
Risk/Threat Assessment Policy
The purpose of a risk/threat assessment policy is to facilitate the process of managing security and privacy risks. A risk/threat assessment policy helps organisations comply with cyber security regulations and rules in order to confidently focus on important tasks.
Cyber risks are categorised in different types, including but are not limited to the following:
- Ransomware
- Data leaks
- Phishing
- Malware
- Insider threats
- Physical damage
A risk assessment and management policy is a helpful document to prevent these potential risks, and knowing how to prepare a risk/threat assessment policy is a central part of planning an enterprise security management strategy. Writing such a document needs complete insight into the following procedures:
- Identifying potential risks
- Analysing potential risks
- Assessing past experiences
- Having a cost estimation plan
Mobile Device Policy
A well-structured mobile device security policy is a must-have requirement for any corporate policy that aims to educate employees on how they can use mobile devices in the proper way. In order to manage security procedures, we can only allow a defined list of devices to access corporate resources and use network facilities in an organisation. Mobile devices are considered the most vulnerable and concerning tools that can cause data leaks and put the equipment and its sensitive data at risk.
There are 5 common security concerns about mobile devices that must be outlined in a mobile device policy:
- Device theft and loss
- Malware
- Public (free) WiFi
- Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
- Regulatory non-compliance
Enterprise Mobile Device Security Best Practices
A comprehensive policy is needed to make sure that every mobile device user in an organisation complies with the rules and that there will be no issues in the case of cyber security and data protection. Without a comprehensive mobile usage guideline, you give cybercriminals and hackers a hand to exploit your assets and systems.
Enterprise security management requires a mobile device security policy that applies to devices such as:
- Laptop and notebook computers
- All types of smartphones
- Tablets
- Portable media devices and players
Physical Controls Policy
Gaps in physical security policies could make it easier for insider actors to gain access to sensitive data and cause issues. Physical control procedures combine technology tools and specialised hardware to control security threats that are associated with theft, vandalism, fraud, and even accidents.
It is all about safeguarding the equipment inside an organisation and keeping unwanted people out, giving access to only authorised users and employees.
Physical controls must include 3 main parts each of them is a vital requirement to bring physical security to any organisation:
- Access control: Keypads, fingerprint readers, video intercom systems
- Detection: Security guards, burglar alarms, motion sensors, CCTV cameras, 24/7 monitoring services, fire alarms
- Response: Building lockdown, emergency call services, etc.
Why is Policy Enforcement so Important for Us?
You may be familiar with what a cyber security policy is and why we are trying to create an inclusive one. But, creating a formulated security policy doesn’t guarantee success, and there is a need to put it into practice in the next step. Policy enforcement is the process of managing all workflows and network usage according to defined policies under the conditions outlined in that specific policy.
ESM policy enforcement is so crucial for us, and there will be a wide range of benefits after performing security policy enforcement in a proper way. If so, we have the following:
- Real-time monitoring of results
- Zero impact on performance
- A good level of compliance with regulatory laws
- Protection of all digital and physical assets
- Increased trust by invigorating policies and preventative rules
Keep in mind that employees and stakeholders in an organisation may be so busy that they may ignore reading long notes. So, your cyber security team should consider writing concise documents and make sure they will be delivered to employees. Here are 2 most important tips to believe when a security policy is being written:
- Clear guidelines for managers and supervisors
- Clear and tangible expectations of employees
Reliable and Authorised Solution: Enterprise Security Governance
Enterprise security governance is a methodology by which an organisation directs and controls enterprise security. It is a process for supervising and monitoring security procedures and tasks performed by cyber security teams that are working to mitigate the risks of cyber threats.
- Generally speaking, security governance defines how an organisation controls security and safety through procedures, strategies, and other necessary tools and devices. When an enterprise security governance procedure is deployed properly, we can say we have achieved the desired level of compliance with a regulation, and all security goals have come together to form a high protection level.
Enterprise security governance is always associated with security frameworks and cyber security standards to facilitate the process of protecting corporate data. Cyber security teams are responsible for choosing the most important enterprise security governance frameworks according to the industry you are working in and scrutinising them to align all procedures with these security standards.
Enterprise Security Management Framework: COBIT
COBIT stands for Control Objectives and Related Technology, and it is a framework provided by ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association). COBIT focuses on streamlining processes by ensuring the quality, control, and safety of IT systems in an organisation.
COBIT is considered the right solution for enterprise security governance that can be tailored for your company, offering effective and innovative processes for enterprise security management:
We can have the following benefits by deploying the COBIT framework:
- Strategic alignment
- One-fit solution for all companies (independence of size)
- Effective governance
- Industry-level standards
- Auditing is ready to perform
- IT risks are managed effectively
- Compliance with laws, regulations, and other contractual agreements
Enterprise Security Management Framework: ITIL
ITIL is a comprehensive framework for delivering IT services and managing risks, strengthening customer relations, and creating trust through best practices. ITIL offers exclusive methods for the IT environment in an organisation to grow, scale, change and manage all tasks and processes in one platform.
The Information Technology Infrastructure Library is a set of the best practices that standardise delivered services, and it emphasises the following concepts:
- Delivering the maximum value to clients
- Maximising efficiency and optimising resources
- Defining clear roles
- Offering the best and most useful services to users
- Reducing IT costs
- Standardising the processes
- Improving skills and experiences
Implementing ITIL methodology in your organisation helps achieve the best result in enterprise security management strategy, and it allows your company to learn from mistakes and improve efficiency and productivity over time.
Enterprise Security Management Framework: ISO 27001
ISO 27001 is one of the world’s best-known standards for information security management. When organisations want to make an enterprise security management strategy real, the ISO 27001 standard comes to provide a range of features and ensure organisation-wide protection of sensitive data.
ISO/IEC 27001 aims to benefit your organisation through the following practices:
- Securing information, including paper-based, cloud-based, or digital data
- Reducing costs by restricting expenditures wasted in unnecessary technologies and approaches
- Improving processes and strategies related to enterprise security management
- Providing a centrally controlled security framework to put all the requirements in one place
- Including employees in cyber security efforts and educating them in the best way possible
An organisation that holds ISO 27001 is more secure and protected against cyber threats, and the standard provides a detailed plan to integrate security into your organisation. The list below shows a set of audits included in the ISO 27001 enterprise security management framework:
- Information security policies
- Organisation of information security
- Human resource security
- Asset management
- Cryptography
- Operations security
- Communications security
- Physical security
Enterprise Security Management Framework: NIST
The NIST cyber security framework is a distinctive tool to organise and improve your security program. The framework offers a set of standards and plans that empower organisations to be better prepared against cyberattacks.
The NIST framework is a vital part of the enterprise security management process in many organisations since it provides power and authority to bring about all the following actions:
- Establishing the foundation of your enterprise security management strategy
- Estimating the risks and potential costs of cyber threats that your organisation is exposed to
- Improving employees’ education level regarding cyber threats and useful solutions
- Providing an effective and efficient cyber security data breach management strategy
NIST consists of a tailored and professional framework that assists organisations in achieving the desired level of security:
- Identify: Understanding organisational assets to manage cyber security risks associated with them.
- Protect: Developing and deploying appropriate safeguards to ensure highly-secure services will be provided for clients.
- Detect: Developing plans and techniques to identify cyber security incidents and anomalies at the right time.
- Respond: Having an enterprise security response plan to put into action in the time a cyber security incident is detected.
- Recover: Developing and implementing activities that help an organisation recover from a cyber security incident with minimum impact.
Enterprise Security Management Framework: HIPAA
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a federal law that has become a fundamental part of health organisations’ IT sector since its announcement. It is all about protecting the sensitive data of patients from being disclosed if they don’t allow it. HIPAA is a set of standard rules containing standards for individuals’ right to improve data protection levels in the healthcare industry.
One critical point to consider is that violating the HIPAA regulation can be extremely costly for healthcare organisations, ranging from $100 to over $4 million. Complying with HIPAA is not so easy, but if you need to deploy all HIPAA requirements and its rules, Nordic Defender will help you get through this using a well-defined roadmap.
There are 3 essential requirements to consider about HIPAA for the healthcare industry:
- Passwords: Passwords play a key role in protecting sensitive data and user credentials in any organisation. HIPAA emphasises password strength to prevent companies from being impacted by social engineering scams or other cyber threats.
- Encryption: Unencrypted digital data can cause costly data breaches. Encryption helps organisations protect their sensitive data through proven practices, such as end-to-end encryption techniques. Encryption can be done using several techniques, and it offers practical methodologies to keep data safe when an unauthorised person accesses the data.
- Disaster recovery plan: Having a reliable disaster recovery plan is of utmost importance when it comes to complying with the HIPAA regulation. Every organisation needs a disaster recovery plan in case of data loss, and it becomes more important when speaking about the healthcare industry and patients’ health data.
The list below shows the most common HIPAA violation examples that can cost your organisation a fortune if ignored:
- Lack of encryption
- Getting hacked or impacted by phishing attacks
- Unauthorised access
- Lost or theft of devices
- Sharing patients’ sensitive data and information
The HIPAA privacy rule protects all sensitive information and individually identifiable health data of patients. We can list some of the most important examples of such data as follows:
- Patients’ name, address, birth date, social security number, or biometrics
- Patients’ past, present, or future health conditions
- Any care provided or prescribed to individuals
- Any information that is considered sensitive and must be protected
Enterprise Security Management Framework: PCI DSS
The PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) is a pivotal standard for many organisations designed to reduce payment card fraud. It focuses on strengthening security controls around cardholder data and is a mandatory compliance rule for any organisation (regardless of size or number of transactions) that accepts, stores, or processes cardholder data.
The mandatory requirements set forth by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council, a group of the 5 largest credit card companies, offer all the benefits in one place. Since 2004, PCI DSS has standardised the elements of secure payment environments and contributed hugely to decreasing the impacts of:
- Fraud losses
- Loss of customer confidence
- Unsuccessful transactions
- Fines and penalties
According to PCI DSS official website, the 12 requirements are as follows:
Goals | PCI DSS requirements |
Build and maintain a secure network and system | Install and maintain a firewall configuration to protect cardholder data Do not use vendor-supplied defaults for system passwords and other security parameters |
Protect cardholder data | Protect stored cardholder data Encrypt transmission of cardholder data across open, public networks |
Maintain a vulnerability management program | Protect all systems against malware and regularly update anti-virus software or programs Develop and maintain secure systems and applications |
Implement strong access control measures | Restrict access to cardholder data by business need to know Identify and authenticate access to system componentes Restrict physical access to cardholder data |
Regularly monitor and test networks | Track and monitor all access to network resources and cardholder data Regularly test security systems and processes |
Maintain an information security policy | Maintain a policy that addresses information security for all personnel |
Sources: PCI DSS v3.2.1 Quick Reference Guide (
Enterprise Security Management Framework: SOX
In 2002, the United States Congress passed the SOX compliance law, and all public companies now must comply with it. The goal was to increase transparency in financial reporting and ensure companies’ financial data is secure and protected.
Overall, the SOX compliance framework emphasises 5 main concepts to improve security levels related to financial data:
- Ensuring financial data security
- Reviewing and monitoring access controls
- Installing updates if required
- Investigating alerts and tracking data breach attempts
- Training staff
- Monitoring use behaviours
Not all businesses are required to comply with SOX. In fact, SOX is applied to all publicly-traded companies in the US, including wholly-owned subsidiaries of foreign companies that are publicly traded and do business in the United States.
If you want to do business in the United States, SOX provides these benefits for your company:
- Risk assessment and triage
- Control structure strengthening
- Deeper and better audits
- Comprehensive financial reporting
- Better decision-making at the right time
- Standardising processes
Enterprise Security Management Framework: FISMA
FISMA is a United States federal law passed in 2002 that aims at improving federal data security standards and guidelines. FISMA was introduced by NIST to reduce the security risk of federal information and data through a well-organised framework. The scope of FISMA was to establish a set of guidelines and security standards for federal agencies. Note that FISMA requirements also apply to those private companies that are collaborating or have contractual relationships with governmental agencies.
There are 7 primary FISMA requirements as below:
- Information system inventory
- Risk categorisation
- Security controls
- Risk assessment
- System security plan
- Certification and accreditation
- Regular monitoring
Literally, hundreds of security controls are needed when it comes to providing a high protection level for governmental agencies and large organisations.
- FISMA is just one requirement, and you can follow its rules and procedures to reform your organisation’s security environment to be a modern one. If you have any questions, Nordic Defender’s experienced analysts can provide you with complete recommendations on how you can comply with regulations in the target market and expand your business and customer base without any issues related to cyber security.
Enterprise Security Management Framework: GLBA
The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), also known as the financial modernisation ACT of 1999, is a United States federal law that requires financial institutions or companies to explain how they share and protect their customers’ private data.
Remember that GLBA applies to all businesses, regardless of size and the number of employees, and businesses that offer financial products or services to customers must take the necessary steps to comply with this regulatory law.
There are 2 essential requirements defined for GLBA to ensure there is a good level of enterprise security management in terms of financial workflows:
- Financial privacy rule: All companies subject to GLBA must provide customers with a privacy notice explaining how the information is collected, where that information is shared, how that information is used, and how the information is protected against potential cyber threats.
- Safeguard rule: The safeguards rule requires financial institutions to have plans in action to keep customer information secure and protected. More importantly, companies must take necessary steps to make sure their affiliates and service providers safeguard customer information as well.
Remember that a financial institution can be fined $100,000 for a GLBA violation which can be concerning for financial institutions.
Nordic Defender offers the following procedure for Scandinavian companies that need GLBA compliance to proceed in their industry:
- Understanding GLBA requirements and determining how the GLBA regulation works
- Conducting a deep risk assessment process
- Improving internal security levels and filling the potential gaps that may be costly in case of cyberattacks
- Providing response plans for insider threats
- Making sure all service providers and third parties are GLBA compliant
- Creating and regularly updating a disaster recovery plan
- Reviewing and revising the requirements checklist to ensure all processes are performing in line with GLBA
Best Practices to Achieve Enterprise-Level Security
Reaching the desired level of enterprise security management needs time and effort, but a team of cyber security professionals can clear your path and lead your organisation to benefit from the best possible practice.
An expert team will provide the best answers for the following questions to start creating an enterprise security management strategy and working on it:
- What protections are in place to guard your organisation against data theft and data loss?
- Which antivirus or malware protection tools does your organisation use?
- Is there a risk/threat assessment strategy plan available?
- Are your organisation compliant with the necessary regulatory laws?
- Are your organisation’s database and sensitive data encrypted?
- Are your employees well-educated for potential cyber security threats?
- Do we have a disaster recovery plan in place?
- What is your practical mobile device policy?
- What is your response plan if a data breach occurs in your organisation?
Take the following considerations into account if you want a high level of data security in your company.
Always Safeguard Sensitive Data
Making an effort to keep sensitive information secure in today’s digital world isn’t optional anymore; It is of the essence for any enterprise security management strategy. At Nordic Defender, we specialise in helping businesses and enterprises manage and secure various types of their organisational or customer data.
Our top priority is helping Scandinavian companies comply with regulatory laws and assist those enterprises that want to enter new markets in other countries around the world.
A data breach can cost your organisation a significant amount of money, causing additional issues that need much effort to recover your systems and get your clients back. The following list demonstrates practical methods for safeguarding sensitive data in your organisation:
- Understand data storage technologies and database management practices
- Identify and classify sensitive data and users’ information collected and stored in your database
- Control users’ access to sensitive data
- Create a comprehensive data usage policy
- Use data encryption methodologies
- Always backup your data
- Use the latest data storage technologies and secure data storage practices
- Have a strategy to hinder insider threats
- Utilise endpoint security systems to protect your sensitive data
- Perform timely pen tests to detect potential vulnerabilities associated with your organisation’s data storage techniques
Setting Up Identity and Access Management (IAM)
Identity and Access Management (IAM) ensures the right people will access the authorised digital resources at the right time. IAM securely controls access to your organisational assets and systems, and it has become one of the essential elements of enterprise security management plans in recent years. To reap a wide range of benefits, every enterprise security management strategy provides an IAM practice, helping them enhance security to the maximum possible level.
We offer the following practices of IAM that integrate security into your company:
- Adopt a zero-trust model for authorising users
- Enforce a robust password policy
- Use multi-factor authentication (MFA)
- Create a single sign-on (SSO) approach
- Give only time-limited access in specific conditions
- Implement centralised log collection and monitoring
- Manage privileged accounts properly
- Set password expiry policy (in specific conditions)
Setting Up Disaster Recovery Plans
Every business may face cyberattacks, such as ransomware, that cause critical issues for data protection. Unfortunately, these types of cyberattacks continue to be more complex than years ago as technology advances and hackers gain access to highly-advanced tools. A ransomware attack can cost your business millions of dollars along with significant damage to your brand reputation, causing a remarkable reduction in the number of customers.
A backup and data recovery plan is an essential risk reduction strategy, and it is considered one of the primary requirements when designing an enterprise security management strategy. A disaster recovery plan doesn’t cost your business much, and only a few steps are required to create a working and resultful data backup and recovery plan. Most enterprise security management strategies benefit from 2 or more disaster recovery plans to make sure there will be fewer risks when dealing with cyber threats. Here are the main reasons your organisation or enterprise company is in need of a reliable disaster recovery plan:
- Your building may be prone to suffer from a fire, and there might be physical damage to the data centre and data storage
- There may be a natural disaster causing problems with the data storage
- Your organisation’s database is likely to be impacted by malware, ransomware, or direct attacks
Nordic Defender provides the best disaster recovery plan for your organisation and includes the best related technologies in your enterprise security management strategy to:
- Level up data security and protection in your company
- Minimise network downtime
- Protect your customers’ sensitive data
- Prevent the need for paying ransomware
- Reduce unnecessary costs
- Offer a better user experience
Levelling Up Cyber Security Knowledge of Employees
There is no better option than educating employees and giving them a good level of insight into cyber security risks and potential problems of a cyberattack. While you can purchase the most advanced devices and systems and set up proven manners in your company, there are still high risks related to uneducated employees. Employees can put the data security and protection at high risk, intentionally or unintentionally.
- Hackers today focus most of their effort on spear-phishing and social engineering techniques to find the easiest way of penetrating organisational systems and stealing sensitive data. The landscape is ever-changing, but there is a tried and true strategy to significantly reduce the risks of such types of cyber threats: Levelling up the cyber security knowledge of employees.
By keeping these tips in mind, you can achieve the best possible results by employing the following techniques in your enterprise security management strategy:
- Spending time and investing money in employee training
- Looking at cyber security awareness as a priority
- Organising timely events and training employees in terms of password security
- Providing useful resources for employees to train them about phishing and social engineering attacks
- Having cyber security training as an essential part of the onboarding process
Take Advantage of Online Courses
There is a wide range of cyber security courses available on online platforms that aim at improving individuals’ knowledge about different types of cyber threats. Remember that even professional team members can benefit from these courses. These courses are provided at affordable costs, and everyone can access them through a mobile device.
If you don’t have enough time and budget for organising in-house training events, online platforms offer efficient solutions and provide the following benefits:
- Online classes cost less
- Online courses include in-demand skills
- There is no need to be concerned about location and transportation
- Online classes provide comfort
- Distractions are reduced, and there is a better focus on learning
Managing and Controlling Endpoints and Accesses
Endpoint management is the process of authenticating and monitoring the access rights of endpoint devices to ensure that all endpoint devices are protected and secure against external or internal threats. These access rights could cause so many threats, and it’s one of the key responsibilities of network owners to use endpoint security management tools to manage and control endpoints and accesses appropriately.
- The first and foremost requirement is that we must ensure only authorised devices can connect to the network with controlled permissions. The thing is that you cannot control devices and endpoints one-by-one when speaking about enterprise security management in a large organisation. As a result, cyber security teams should think about developing an endpoint management policy which dictates the required information and considerations to all users, employees, and stakeholders.
Endpoint security management policies authenticate and manage permissions and actions of all devices that send requests to access your network, including laptops, smartphones, tablets, printers, servers, etc.
The following list shows only a few benefits an endpoint security management provides for your organisation:
- Securing devices and input/output ports
- Controlling applications
- Installing remote patches to fix vulnerabilities
- Generating notifications and reports
- Blocking threats that may target mail servers, file servers, etc.
- Providing deep visibility by collecting real-time information about all devices that are attempting to access IT resources and networks
Breathing Life Into Discussions With C-Suite
The C-suite is an essential part of every organisation that is responsible for the overall performance and productivity and consists of high-ranking executives and senior managers in an organisation. As a result, C-suite must be able to identify potential issues associated with cyber security and has plans to defend an organisation against cyberattacks.
The C-suite in an enterprise company plays a key role in decreasing the risks of cyber threats, especially when cyberattacks are on the rise and security breaches occur. In order to minimise the gap between the C-suite and CISOs, executives and senior managers need to take the necessary steps.
Implementing the Best Management Tools and Services
Cyber security analysts use a wide range of software tools in their jobs, enabling them to organise the required tasks and daily routines. These tools fall into a few categories, including network security monitoring, encryption tools, web vulnerability assessment tools, and antivirus software solutions.
- Cybersecurity software tools are must-have requirements for enterprise security management plans, and they empower cybersecurity teams against intruders and cybercriminals.
Accordingly, cyber security services are a set of techniques and practices that implement these useful software tools to present a good level of enterprise security management to an organisation. We have explained the most effective enterprise security management services in the list below:
- SIEM Technology for Enterprise Security Management
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) combines information and event management to offer real-time monitoring and analysis of events. The SIEM technology also allows cyber security teams to track and evaluate logs of security data for auditing.
Legacy SIEMs were a combination of several techniques, including the following ones:
- Log Management Systems (LMS)
- Security Information Management (SIM)
- Security Event Management (SEM)
Due to the constant evolution of cyber security technologies and practices, SIEM technology has transformed over time, and its core elements have been turned into more advanced and reliable ones, providing organisations with the following benefits:
- Open and scalable architecture
- Real-time data collection and visualisation tools
- Big data collection and analytics tools
- User behaviour analytics tools and practices
- Security, orchestration, and automation response (SOAR)
The next-gen SIEM approach provides organisations with these capabilities to level up data collection and monitoring practices:
- Log collection
- Normalisation into a standard format
- Notifications and alerts
- Security incident detection
- Threat response management
Integrating Threat Intelligence into the SIEM Approach
Threat intelligence combined with SIEM technology has a wide range of features for every enterprise security management strategy. SIEM solutions have aimed to provide visibility across multiple systems, networks, and applications, collecting data from different sources and analysing them through real-time data analysis techniques. Many organisations would like to integrate threat intelligence into their SIEM strategy since this will enable cyber security teams to handle data and information better and access more accurate analytics.
- Usually, there is a mixture of data coming from different sources when a SIEM is deployed. This could be confusing and cause misunderstandings in many cases. Also, there may be some false alerts and notifications that cyber security team members have to deal with.
The addition of threat intelligence to the SIEM strategy creates an opportunity to manage alerts and prioritise them based on proven techniques. So, combining threat intelligence and SIEM technology offers efficiency and provides:
- Confidence in threat monitoring
- A better understanding of cyber threats
- Improved decision-making processes
- Pen testing solutions for enterprise security management
Penetration testing is an attempt to analyse the security of IT infrastructure in your organisation performed by manual or automated technologies. There is useful information after a deep pen testing process is performed. A complete report will be provided to IT and network managers to fix related issues and provide solutions for the network’s vulnerabilities detected during the pent testing process.
Nordic Defender provides pen testing solutions and offers related services in the following categories:
- Web application testing services
- Network security testing services
- Cloud security testing services
- IoT security testing services
- Social engineering testing services
- API penetration testing services
- Wireless penetration testing services
- Insider threat penetration testing services
Take a quick look at the following list if you want to find out which benefits penetration testing provides for enterprise security management.
- Exposing vulnerabilities
- Reducing vulnerabilities that may exist in your IT environment
- Identifying and prioritising cyber security risks
- Avoiding costly data breaches and loss of business continuity
- Simulating a real-world cyberattack on your IT infrastructure
- Helping you improve your organisation’s compliance
- Keeping your sensitive data protected
- Helping your cyber security team allocate the security budget at its best
- Bug Bounty Programs for Enterprise Security Management
Bug bounty programs are a crucial part of enterprise security management which allow hackers to find bugs in your IT systems. Bug bounty programs provide an opportunity to find vulnerabilities before they cause costly issues for an organisation which are split into 2 main categories:
- Private programs: Private bug bounty programs are not published to the public, and hackers with specific invitations are allowed to join these programs to see them.
- Public programs: Public bug bounty programs are announced publicly, allowing those hackers outside your company to find vulnerabilities in the systems.
Hackers are required to have some specific skills to become professional bug bounty hunters, as below. So, you will have a great opportunity to put your IT systems into cyber security tests through bug bounty programs:
- Broken access control
- Cryptographic failures
- Injection testing
- Security misconfiguration
- Vulnerable and outdated components
- Identification and authentication failures
- Security logging and monitoring failures
- Server-side request forgery
- Software and data security, protection, and integrity failures
Remember that bug bounty programs are one of the most effective and resultful approaches for enterprise-level companies. One unique benefit of bug bounty programs is that skilled and highly professional hackers are encouraged to take part in such programs, and you can benefit from this opportunity to have your IT systems tested and analysed.

Defensive Security Solutions for Enterprise Security Management
Defensive security is a subset of enterprise security management that focuses on safeguarding the organisation at all levels through defensive cyber security solutions. A defensive security solution is put into play in order to ensure the effectiveness of any enterprise security management strategy.
Experts focus on the following tasks when they want to empower a defensive security environment in an organisation:
- Updating software tools and upgrading devices
- Setting up systems in a proper way to establish security and data protection
- Monitoring systems and network traffic to detect potential intrusions
- Regular checking of network security protocols to minimise the risks of being impacted by cyberattacks
- Creating honeypots to analyse the conditions and hackers’ behaviour in a simulated environment
Common Behaviours in Organisations that Limits Enterprise Security Management
Security management is a broader concept than conventional cybersecurity practices, and it needs an inclusive strategy to deploy all the security requirements at an enterprise level. According to CISA, there are some practices in an organisation that limits making enterprise-level security real.
- Using unsupported software services
- Using known/fixed/default passwords and credentials in service of critical infrastructure
- Using single-factor authentication for remote or administrative access to systems and software tools
There are also some other bad cyber security practices that can run an organisation into trouble and cause unrecoverable issues:
- Clicking links that are suspicious and downloading email attachments without scanning for malware tools
- Setting up weak passwords
- Poor physical control over system tools and devices
- Providing unnecessary privileges to network resources
- Not encrypting data stored on a database
- Not having a robust backup and recovery strategy
- Not employing a multi-factor authentication plan
- Not monitoring and checking third-party vendors and systems
- Insufficient updates and upgrades for security tools, devices, and plans
- Storing sensitive data and files on cloud servers
Future Trends to Look for Enterprise Security Management
Security leaders must develop their skills and stay updated in line with the latest enterprise security management trends. Cybersecurity is an evolving practice, and it is crucial to take a proactive approach in order to understand the current cybersecurity risks and think about future problems.
- With the digital revolution and the availability of advanced devices and software tools, large organisations are experiencing new types of cyberattacks. There is a significant rise in automotive hacking, and mobile devices are the new targets for cybercriminals.
To stay on track with cyber security evolution, here are some of the trends every enterprise company should consider when designing an enterprise security management strategy.
- Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) offer better solutions
- Integrating artificial intelligence into enterprise security management can prevent devastating problems
- Looking at mobile device security as a priority
- Cloud servers are potentially vulnerable
- IoT can be a risky technology if ignored
- The zero-trust approach can be a reliable solution
WPA3 for Enterprise Security Management
Secure wireless connectivity is an important requirement when it comes to deploying an effective enterprise security management strategy. But, WiFi security is challenging in most cases, especially when there are so many devices using the same network devices.
- WPA2 is no longer a safe security practice, and it is the time the new version comes to the forefront. WPA3, the full name of WiFi Protected Access 3, is one of the most popular WiFi security protocols created by the WiFi alliance that offers a robust encryption methodology at the enterprise level. WPA3 is still a new protocol that only large organisations and enterprise companies are likely to implement on their network.
WPA3 enterprise is a much better choice instead of WPA2 enterprise since the new version provides authentication encryption keys at high-level security. Now, the new version uses an authentication server to protect devices against hacking, and the protocol is supported in new devices that are coming to market.
WPA3 offers key features to enterprise security management, and governments or enterprises can make the most of this protocol to achieve a high level of security:
- Easy connectivity to devices like IoT sensors, microdevices, and other system tools
- Open WiFi security
- The enhanced data encryption approach
- Brute-force attack prevention
Work-from-home Security for Enterprise Security Management
Remote security management becomes a crucial requirement as enterprises find it a helpful and resultful solution. Work-from-home removes the need of having on-site teams in an organisation, but there is a need to have all operations and workflows monitored remotely. Monitoring tasks and conditions is a fundamental element of every remote working approach.
Remote working is becoming a common paradigm, but note that conventional security strategies may not be helpful in this case. Work-from-home brings its own challenges, and cyber security teams need to think about all considerations and rules, including remote working policies.
There are numerous benefits of having a borderless and managed remote working environment, but security concerns still exist. This is one of the primary roles of cyber security teams to minimise the related risks:
- Reduced security on BYOD and mobile devices
- Cloud security, tracking and managing digital assets
- Unreliable backup and recovery systems
- GDPR compliance
- The risk of physical theft
- Sharing files that aren’t encrypted
- Making use of personal computers for work
5G for Enterprise Security Management
5G offers more advanced communication technology and high bandwidth, along with enterprise-level security and data protection. Put simply, an enterprise security management strategy is in need of such secure communication networks to ensure we have the following:
- Low latency
- High bandwidth
- New teaching methods
- Great opportunities for remote device control
- New internet of things solutions
- Faster file transferring
- Within reach could platforms
Security is an inherent entity when speaking about 5G communication, and enterprises can benefit from new technologies like edge computing by taking advantage of 5G technology. But, it remains crucial to come up with proven security practices to safeguard 5G networks, as they aren’t secure by design.
5G remains to be a technology trend in terms of enterprise security management, but cyber security teams should take care of the following concerns for this cutting-edge technology:
- Botnet attacks
- Distributed denial-of-service
- Man-in-the-middle
- Location tracking and call interception
Cloud Technology for Enterprise Security Management
Cloud computing has become a necessity for enterprise companies since they can gain a technological advantage using cloud platforms and offer more advanced services to their clients. Companies can manage and perform their workflows in the cloud, save time, and reach a high level of data backup and recovery.
Since cloud technology provides a wide variety of advantages compared to traditional methodologies, enterprises can transfer a part of their workflow to the cloud and achieve the following:
- Higher performance and availability
- Instant business insights
- Business continuity
- Price performance and cost savings
- Faster time to market
- Better user experience
- Scalability on-the-go
- Better collaboration
- Unique data loss prevention plans
- Automatic software updates and application integration
But remember that even top cloud service providers may experience downtime and security risks. Using a hybrid cloud approach can be the best solution for those enterprises that want to take advantage of new technologies and data security at the same time.
Security threats in the cloud are a common drawback of this technology. Before adopting a cloud technology solution, enterprises should talk to a security consultant to limit related risks. Still, there is a list of security concerns around the cloud technology, but your cyber security team can help you make the best decision in this case:
- Limited visibility
- External sharing of data
- Malicious insiders
- Legal and regulatory compliance issues
- Insecure APIs
Read More About Hybrid Cloud Technology
The hybrid cloud is an IT practice that combines several benefits of public cloud, private cloud, and on-premise servers to offer better IT solutions. Organisations and large companies can make use of a hybrid cloud model for high-volume and low-risk activities and relocate the low-risk part of their workflow to the cloud. Web hosting and email messaging can be good examples of this approach.
You can have your on-premise infrastructure and storage in the hybrid model as well as advanced public or private cloud services. There is no need to store sensitive data or organisational files in the cloud. A unified hybrid cloud platform could be the best solution to take a holistic approach that provides both cyber security and regulatory compliance for your organisation.
Integrating different components of the hybrid cloud technology into our enterprise security management strategy helps reach the best of both worlds:
- Physical security: Physical protection of systems and devices
- Technical security: Encryption, VPNs, access control and endpoint security
- Administrative security: Risk assessment processes, disaster recovery plans, employee training, data protection procedures
IoT for Enterprise Security Management
Safeguarding connected devices and networks is one of the concerns of business owners and executives in enterprise organisations. The internet of things needs to be protected like all other network devices and organisational networks and systems. Keeping threats at bay has become an increasingly challenging concern for enterprises since you need to deal with so many devices when adopting the internet of things technology in your company.
A high level of visibility is needed to start out with IoT adoption in enterprises since IoT devices are attractive for hackers to perform cyberattacks and use them to exploit your digital assets.
Securing the IoT infrastructure is crucial, but it needs a robust strategy to monitor everything seamlessly and control data security within the IoT network. Here are some of the best practices that help cyber security teams achieve the best level of IoT security in the enterprise security management strategy:
- Monitoring, tracking, and managing all IoT devices
- Considering patching and updating the software of IoT devices
- Setting up strong passwords and updating passwords and credentials if needed
- Making use of the latest encryption protocols
- Using multi-factor authentication methodologies
- Deploying powerful antivirus and cyberattack protection tools
- Disabling unused devices and other entry points
- Conducting merciless pen tests
- Protecting devices and platforms physically
Since IoT devices are designed with little or no inbuilt security, it is the critical role of cyber security teams and security experts to manage the situation and provide practical security solutions for IoT networks. Remember that an insecure system of IoT devices can open the doors for hackers to penetrate the network, leading to exploits, data thefts, etc.
Data Demand for Enterprise Security Management
Enterprise data security implements security standards and practices to manage and control data demand in an effective way. Data demand and use is a highly sensitive part of handling data in an organisation, and its policies facilitate the collection, classification, and use of data.
Data demand and use is a systematic and deliberate approach that is defined by cyber security team managers and principal stakeholders. Data demands are facilitated through the implementation of various tools and approaches, and organisations need a comprehensive framework and work policy to come up with an effective data demand and use environment.
Data Privacy Regulations for Enterprise Security Management
Data privacy regulations act as security guards in enterprise companies, governing the types of measures and audits and leading the overall cyber security to protect sensitive data, systems, network traffic, and devices. Data privacy regulations tell organisations how they should store and protect their customers’ data and how the stored data can be processed to offer better services.
Today, many government authorities in the European Union enforce data privacy regulations, and currently, 128 countries have data security and data privacy regulations to ensure there is a good level of protection for customers’ personal data and organisational data. In the case of the European Union, enterprise companies should be aware of GDPR compliance that aims to protect both organisations and their clients through an organised strategy.
The General Data Protection Regulation
The General Data Protection Regulation is a framework that applies to each member state of the European Union, creating more reliable protection against data breaches and cyberattacks that target internet users in the EU.
GDPR applies to all companies that want to work in the European Union, and enterprise companies can prevent costly cyber threats by complying with GDPR.
- Nordic Defender helps you take the necessary steps to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation and embrace data privacy and security.
Meeting the GDPR requirements helps your organisation:
- Protect customer and employees data
- Have a reliable data breach response plan
- Ensure brand loyalty
- Identify cyber security problems and provide solutions for them
Nordic Defender Cyber Security Team: What Springs to Mind When Saying Up-to-the-Minute Enterprise Security Management?
Nordic Defender is a leading cyber security company, providing a comprehensive list of services to Scandinavian enterprises. We offer our services based on a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) approach to deliver the right cyber security solutions to Scandinavian enterprises.
Cyber security is a set of techniques powered by knowledge and experience. If you want to feel a highly-advanced level of cyber security in your organisation, Nordic Defender provides you with an up-to-date enterprise security management strategy tailored exactly for your company.
Final Thoughts
Enterprise security management consists of several sections, and you cannot deploy an ESM strategy with conventional cyber security approaches. With high levels of hacking and malware activity, it becomes vital to adopt the most effective solution in enterprise companies that is customised, all-inclusive, and proactive. Deploying an enterprise security management strategy may be concerning in terms of costs and various security requirements. But Nordic Defender offers Managed Security Services that are rapidly replacing traditional security operations, providing cost-effective, powerful, and systematic cyber security solutions for enterprise-level companies.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the 5 most common enterprise cybersecurity problems?
- Phishing
- Ransomware
- Insider attacks
- Unsecured devices
- Imperfect policies
How much does it cost to deploy an enterprise security management strategy?
- It depends on your goals and the different tasks and plans required to secure your organisational systems and network. We cannot provide a one-size-fits-all solution for all companies. If you want to get complete recommendations about the best enterprise security management approach, feel free to contact us.
What are the main elements of an enterprise cybersecurity culture?
- Security policies
- Network security
- Risk assessment and management
- Threat detection and response
- Employee training
- Vulnerability analysis
How is automation used in enterprise security management?
- Automation has become an important element of enterprise security in companies, and it can help your company improve:
- Threat detection
- Threat response
- Alert management
Are Managed Security Services expensive?
- MSSP programs are designed to offer tried-and-true and cost-effective solutions for enterprises. Our program focuses on the main needs of your organisation’s data privacy and provides you with affordable and high-quality enterprise security management plans.